Our Story: How Sky and Sol Got Started

Meet Max: The Entrepreneur on a Mission


Meet Max: The Entrepreneur on a Mission

"Hi, I'm Max, the Founder of Sky & Sol. I want to share with you the story of how this company came to be. As an entrepreneur, I'm driven by a passion for solving problems and providing solutions that make a real difference in people's lives. My journey began with a personal discovery that would change everything."

The Life-Changing Power of Animal-Based Nutrition

My life took a dramatic turn when I discovered the healing powers of animal-based nutrition. After trying the carnivore diet, I lost 40 pounds and experienced a profound transformation in my health.

This sparked a realization:

if animal-based nutrition could have such a positive impact, could the same principles apply to skincare?

I began to investigate the world of skincare products and what I found was shocking.

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The Life-Changing Power of Animal-Based Nutrition

My life took a dramatic turn when I discovered the healing powers of animal-based nutrition. After trying the carnivore diet, I lost 40 pounds and experienced a profound transformation in my health.

This sparked a realization: if animal-based nutrition could have such a positive impact, could the same principles apply to skincare?

I began to investigate the world of skincare products and what I found was shocking.

The Toxic Truth About Mainstream Skincare

I quickly realized that most skincare products on the market were toxic and filled with highly processed seed oils. I was frustrated by the lack of safe, effective, and natural options available. This frustration only grew when I embarked on a life-changing adventure -- Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.

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Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro: A Revelation

When I climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, I experienced the raw power of nature firsthand. The breathtaking views and incredible wildlife were awe-inspiring, but I also faced an unexpected challenge. As I ascended the mountain, I realized that there were barely any trees to provide shade from the intense UV rays. For seven grueling days, the sun relentlessly beat down on my skin, highlighting the importance of effective sun protection.

The Sunscreen Dilemma: Risking Health for Protection

This experience in Mount Kilimanjaro and having NO good sunscreen options led me to a startling discovery: the vast majority of sunscreens on the market are not only ineffective but also potentially harmful. Many contain chemical UV filters like Avobenzone and Oxybenzone, which are known carcinogens and irritants.

Even "natural" sunscreens often contain highly processed seed oils that can generate damaging free radicals.

I was faced with a difficult choice: risk sunburn and potential skin cancer, or use harmful products that could lead to other health issues down the line.


The Tallow Revolution: A Natural Solution

Unwilling to accept these options, I turned to my knowledge of animal-based nutrition for a solution. As a follower of the carnivore diet, I had learned about the incredible properties of tallow, a nutrient-dense fat that is highly biocompatible with human skin.

I realized that the same principles that made tallow a nutritional powerhouse could also make it an excellent base for skincare products. Tallow's unique composition of fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals could provide nourishment and protection for the skin in a way that no plant-based ingredient could match.

With this realization, I set out to develop a tallow-based sunscreen that would provide safe, nourishing protection for all skin types. I knew that by harnessing the power of this incredible ingredient, I could create a product that would revolutionize the way we approach sun protection and skincare.


Sky & Sol: Empowering You with Healthy Skincare

At Sky & Sol, our mission is to empower you with skincare products that prioritize your health and well-being. We believe that you shouldn't have to compromise your health for the sake of sun protection. Our tallow-based sunscreens are carefully crafted to provide irritant-free, high-performance protection while nourishing and healing your skin.

Shop Ancestrally-Based Skincare
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Join the Movement Towards Healthier Skin

We invite you to join us on this journey towards healthier, happier skin. At Sky & Sol, we're committed to providing you with the highest quality, most effective, and safest sunscreen products on the market. Experience the difference of natural, tallow-based skincare and discover the freedom to enjoy life without compromising your health.

Shop Ancestrally-Based Skincare